A month-long Virtual program to support you deepening and expanded your mindfulness practice


Pop quiz! check all that apply:

  • You’re overworked, overtired, overstressed;

  • The thought of time going by is making you feel anxious and judging your choices;

  • You can’t stop comparing your life to others (social media, anyone?);

  • You’re still dwelling on that thing that happened years ago;

  • Life has lost its luster, and it’s getting harder to find that inner spark;

  • Even when you do hit the gym, the serotonin lift only lasts a few hours;

  • You’ve realized that “outer” things aren’t going to help get you where you want to be, and you need a way to seriously commit to that inner path.


OK, that (obviously) wasn’t a real quiz, but did it get your mind working? How does it feel to pause and reflect with curiosity?

If you checked any of the above, this program is for you.

When you do a sit-up, you feel the muscles contracting to lift you up, to build your physical strength.


Think of this program as a gentle loving workout for your mind and soul. The only difference is that this is the kind of workout that sticks with you. Forever.


It’s also the result of countless clients, friends, and other people asking me to create a mindfulness meditation program that will fit into the structure of their lives—one that gets them into meditation mode right when they need it (ie. traffic jam, stressful situation at work, a difficult conversation with a loved one.... the list goes on).



Not just when they’re sitting in half lotus on a lumpy cushion in some trendy yoga studio.


Admit it: it’s important.


Because we’re all stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed about work, family responsibilities, and the weight of the world. 


And it’s all real – life is busy. It is stressful and overwhelming. We all do have a ton of responsibilities that need to be kept up with on a regular basis.



No matter how often we tell ourselves that social media is only a sliver of the real picture of people’s lives, it still gets to us. And then there are those mini-crises that pop up out of the blue. And mannnn, they never stop coming!


all those emotional roller coasters we encounter regularly are also why we need rituals that keep us centered, grounded, and present.

This program will teach you how to strengthen your mindfulness muscles so that you can:

  • Work with your thoughts so they don’t feel as loud

  • Manage your emotions with more acceptance and care

  • Create inner stability and resilience in a world that feels volatile

  • Balance qualities of softness and strength within the mind and heart

  • Get out of striving mode and be more present for the relationships that matter



For example…


how might your entire world be COMPLETELY different if you didn’t judge every little thing around you? (ie. what you ate or how that person looks). Have you ever taken a moment to notice how often you judge the world around you, and what it does to the way you act, feel and react?


(Yep: non-judgement is a pillar, MIND = BLOWN) 


You’ll have the space and tools to learn more about the workings of your mind, body and heart.

This program is for you if you checked anything on that pop quiz above, no matter your age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ability or race.


You can join the program from anywhere, as long as you have a phone/wifi, a journal, and a pen.



How’s it different from a meditation app, or a one-off workshop about mindfulness?

This is an interactive program that will teach you to embody mindfulness. It’s the difference between incorporating it into your life in an intellectual way and making it part of your lifestyle, your everyday experience.


It’s about not only understanding it, but experiencing it. You will feel held by like-minded people, committed to connecting to their authentic self.


“So Wade,” you ask…”how does it work?”


Here are the deets:

We will begin with a half-day virtual retreat to learn (or re-learn) the basics of meditation and have time to play with the variety of practices we will explore over the next 5-weeks. Think of this time like a mini at home retreat.

Then we will meet weekly for 90-minute sessions to get present in our bodies and explore a new pillar of mindfulness each week. Deepening our own practice while also learning from each other.

This series is a radical act. We are going “against the grain” of modern day life by carving out space for yourself to pause and be.

You get to claim your own time and attention.

Best of all, you are investing in yourself so that you can show up in this world connected to an inner calm, feel more confident in your skin and have more mental clarity to focus on what matters most.


This is what you can expect all-month long:

  • Virtual half-day interactive weekend retreat to kick our program off together

  • 90-minute weekly group video calls (these will be recorded if you can’t attend live)

  • Carefully curated list of resources

  • Access to themed meditations

  • Weekly self-reflection journal prompts

  • Private WhatsApp group for additional accountability and support

Here is the online schedule:

Sunday October 1st 10am - 2pm PT: Half-day retreat

Monday October 9th 5:30pm - 7pm PT

Monday October 16th 5:30pm - 7pm PT

Monday October 23rd 5:30pm - 7pm PT

Monday October 30th 5:30pm - 7pm PT

Ready to claim your cushion?  

This series is based on a sliding scale. Choose an investment that feels meaningful for you. One that allows you to be generous and feel invested in your well-being while also working within your own budget.

from $297.00

Mindfully transition into a new season with intentionality and care. You will leave this series with a deepened understanding of mindfulness and how you can bring this practice into everyday life, on and off the cushion.

Sliding Scale:
Add To Cart

Have a question? Drop your message below.

What People are Saying about this program:

“During a time of massive uncertainty, meditation with Wade was one of the only ways I was able to center myself. She created deeply moving themes and a nonjudgmental place to try meditation.”

~ Alex, Seattle

I tried this program out of curiosity, and it’s been so nice getting to know myself better through meditation. Wade’s guidance and the support of this group have been a comfortable introduction to mindfulness, so I never felt judged or confused or behind although I hadn’t practiced before. Starting a meditation practice has helped me become more aware of the power I have over my feelings and more conscious of my actions in general. Highly recommend for anyone who feels exhausted or stressed from daily life and seeking more clarity, or anyone who just wants to try something different and gain more perspective.

~ Becca, Los Angeles

Wade keeps it super real and provides the right amount of support, push and community. This series is great because you get to explore with other people and share their experiences so it is not at all a lonely journey. The program also provides a healthy amount of accountability which was definitely critical for me. Looking back over the last year I realize that I now have all these new techniques and outlooks to approach all types of situations, from a deeper level of gratitude to being able to cope with life's little paper cuts :) It's been a while since I dropped into the old anxiety spiral, I've established and maintained a meditation practice that works for me, generally speaking I feel like the immersion program set me up to reconnect with myself, my relationships and get to a place where I feel less stressed and more like my favorite version of myself. Highly recommend this program!

~ Renée, Seattle 

Rarely do we take a step back and acknowledge our body, our emotions, and how + why we feel the way we do. With Wade's help, you will start to play to your strengths and live a happier life!

~ Olivia, Los Angeles


Wade has helped me break down the reasons why I've felt blocked and provided some simple yet powerful tools that I can use to make progress towards my goals. Instead of feeling anxious and frustrated, I find myself relying on new practices - such as meditation - to feel confident and focused about what I want to do, and how to go about doing it. Wade's program and methodology helps to define the skills I need to not just exist but truly live and thrive. It's been such a rewarding experience and I would recommend it to anyone who's ready to make some positive changes in their life.

~ Maxine, Seattle



Looking forward to supporting you strengthening your mindfulness muscles this Fall. 

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