
July 4th is just a few days away. What are your plans to celebrate? Whether you are going to light a sparkler or not, this long holiday weekend is the perfect time to think about how you celebrate the little and big markers in life.


For instance, we are officially halfway through 2017. Instead of racing through the second half of the year, I want to welcome you to take a moment to pause and reflect on all you have accomplished this year, big or small. Take 5 minutes right here, right now to brain-dump all of your accomplishments. Maybe you moved cities, changed jobs, met your savings goal, made three new friends, got an award at work, tried a new workout regime, went on a date or started cooking more at home. Whatever you accomplished, make sure to CELEBRATE! If you set your 2017 word of the year, take a moment to look back at your intention and check your alignment. Do your current accomplishments line up with the essence of your word? If you have been consistently practicing and connecting to your intentions, it is pretty amazing to see what happens when you stay focused.


Now, when it comes to celebrating, there are so many ways to do it! You can scream and jump up and down like you won the lottery, you can call loved ones to share the exciting news, you could treat yourself to an indulgent day at the spa, or go out to a delicious dinner. How do you celebrate? Personally, I love celebrating big and small milestones with food! Food is a creative expression that gets to create connection and a shared experience for all of those involved. So, whether you are celebrating the 4th of July, that we're halfway through the year, your individual accomplishments or just the fact that it is summer, think about how you want to celebrate. If you also love celebrating with food, check out my Summer Fuel Pinterest board for some delicious BBQ and summer-inspired recipes.

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Here are just a few things I am personally celebrating this moment:

I am celebrating the launch of my new meditation podcast! Woohoo! Centered int the City Podcast is a place and virtual space for you take a mindful moment, pause and connect. This podcast is full of modern meditations you can practice anywhere at any time. All of the meditations are geared to supporting you navigating the twist and turns of living in the rhythm of the city. If you are interested in celebrating with me and helping to spread the word, email me here and you will enter to win some prizes! I will be sending another email when it officially launches in a few weeks.

I am also celebrating my up coming meditation workshop at The Riveter on July 12th. If you haven't heard of the Riveter yet, it is an amazing co-working space designed by women for women, emphasizing wellness in the workplace. If you are in the Seattle area, I would love to see you there! I will be leading a 45-minute workshop combining light stretching, meditation and discussion. It is a great way to break up your week and feel more energized and centered (without having to put on activewear). 

Finally, I'm celebrating that I reached a personal financial savings goal! In January, I had a clear understanding of the total amount I wanted to save by July 1. I divided that total by 6 months so I knew exactly how much I wanted to save each month. Breaking this big financial goal into mjni-goals made it feel more attainable and realistic. There is so much power in getting clear about what you want and going after it!   

All of these celebration align to my 2017 word, abundance, because I have stepped outside of my comfort zones, connected to the plethora of opportunities and felt the freedom of choice. I am looking forward to celebrating all of this and so much more over several BBQs filled with family and friends this weekend! I'd love to hear what you are celebrating and how you are celebrating! Feel free to share on social media and tag @onewade #SummerofSelfCare.