Winter Weather at Home Workouts

Too cold to go outside? Traveling? Keep your body moving and grooving no matter where you are. Have fun playing with these short and doable at home workouts that target you whole body. I used 1 lb ankle weights in some of the exercises as a fun challenging addition. Also, ankle weights are great to travel with when taking a long trip because they don’t take up much room and you can do so much with them!

*Videos below are sped up. Make sure you find your own pace that works for you and your body.


Warm Up

Start your workout with the Pilates Hundreds to get your heart rate up, core engaged and stronger mind/body connection.

Take your cardio up a notch with these burpees. Optional to use a pillow or weights for an added challenge.


Legs & Booty

For each exercise I aim to do 10-20 reps. Make sure to switch legs after you complete the series on one side.

Arms & Cool Down