Bold & Loving News

3 BOLD and Loving news updates: 

1. I cut 12 inches of my hair off and donated it to help make a wig for someone in medical need. This big bold and loving move came 10 years after my first haircut post chemotherapy. I was beaming with joy, excitement, compassionate heartbreak and gratitude. The body is a miracle that it can heal from cancer and also re-generate an offering to give back.


2. My husband and I took the reins back on our lifestyle vision (yes, even in the midst of a pandemic) and booked an airbnb in Mexico for the month!

This is part of our family’s long-term vision to live a few months abroad each year during the Seattle winter months -- an opportunity for us to tap back into Latin culture that fills our hearts and figurative cups.

We have always wanted to pilot this dream and finally did so in March 2020, but we all know how that story ends. 

So here we are.

We said yes to life and made our vision our reality. And it’s interesting to me how the universe shows up for us when we show up in alignment with our truth and bliss.

I had the biggest day of my coaching career, thus far, last week while working from Mexico. I continue to see that when we live in alignment with our vision and values, we can create the life we want to live.

We don’t have to be passengers in our life, watching life “happening to us.” We get to live life! We get to be the driver who stays focused, consistent, connected to our values and listens deeply to our inner self.

And remember, nothing is perfect!

Life is full of both bliss and baggage -- WiFi glitches here and there as well as getting Covid during my biggest facilitation and speaking day! Luckily, we are both recovering well.

3. I am heading into my first month-long silent meditation retreat at the end of February. This will be a month without technology, speaking or coaching.

I am choosing to go inwards and deepen my meditation practice for my own spiritual wellbeing journey as well as to expand my training and capacity as a teacher.

I’m filled with excited, nervous energy mixed with a big splash of scared shitless-ness.

This month-long retreat at Spirit Rock has been on my list for the last few years, and my Power Intention of BOLD and Love are supporting me saying yes in 2022. It feels good to lovingly challenge myself and to already feel growth stretch marks appear around my mind in preparation. 

How are you using your Power Intention in 2022?