Center Yourself This Holiday Season

As the holiday vibes pick up, I notice how easy it can be to let the twinkle of the season distract me from listening and honoring my needs. The lights, the music, the parties, shopping and travel, can bring joy as well as stress. Over the years, I have learned how to manage the holiday overwhelm and return to my center by setting intentions.

Setting intentions help us think about where we want to put our focus and attention. Intentions help us cut through the noise so we can listen to ourselves. Below is a centering tool you can download and return to every week this holiday season to feel your authentic self.

Step 1. Download Your Centered for the Holiday tool

Step 2. Set your intentions for this season. Think about how you want to feel and be and write them in the past tense. (ie. My intention: I felt present in my mind and body. I hydrated and nourished myself and my relationships with love and care).

Step 3. Highlight five rituals and practices you want to commit to that support your staying aligned with your intentions. For instance, I ask myself, what rituals and practices support me in staying present in my mind and body? What sustains me nourishing and hydrating myself and my relationships? Write those practices down on the left-hand side and celebrate the days you prioritize them with a checkmark.