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Spring is here in the northern hemisphere and I couldn’t be more excited! 

Spending a lot of time in nature these days, I am using my mindfulness practice to pause, listen and observe. 

Watching the trees and flowers bud inspires me to explore what’s budding and growing within me, and think about where I want to see growth. It’s kind of a hallmark observation, I know, but the resiliency of plants to keep growing, transforming and showing up season after season, especially under harsh weather conditions, is so inspirational!

I wanted to share with you a coaching model to support your growth this spring season. I find this model helpful as we emerge from winter and begin to emerge from quarantine. There is more hope and possibility as life within us and around us blooms again. 

The model is based on the acronym: GROW. 


G= Where are you GOING? What’s the GOAL?

R= What is your present REALITY? Where are you RIGHT now? 

O= What OPTIONS and/or OPPORTUNITIES do you have to get there?

W= What’s your WILLINGNESS? 

As you think about this spring season, how do you want to mindfully grow? I encourage you to take some time to reflect on these prompts below. 

First, notice in this moment, what is your relationship to the word growth? Does it feel exciting? Scary? Adventurous? Bold?

  1. Ask yourself, what goal do you want to meet this spring?

  2. Explore, where are you right now? What’s working well? What do you wish were different?

  3. What are the various options and possibilities of how you can meet your goal? (You get to brain-dump as many possibilities as you can).

  4. How willing are you right now to take action on a scale of 1-10? (1= low and 10= high). You want to make sure there is high enough will and want to support you moving through any fears/obstacles/blocks. 

The theme of growth is dimensional and complex. If we aren't growing, then we are staying stagnant or dying. Growth doesn’t always mean some big stretchy goal was accomplished. Sometimes growth can mean that we learned something new, opened our hearts and minds to a different experience, tried to cook a new recipe, or expanded our meditation practice from 5 minutes to 6 minutes. 

After coaching people for over 8 years, there are many limiting beliefs that arise around the theme of growth. Some common thoughts are: growth is scary, hard, too difficult, it will take too much time, it won't be worth it, I will only do it if I know I will succeed, etc. Noticing what limiting beliefs arise for you is helpful. Compassionately calling out any limiting beliefs will help them not feel as powerful. However, if you notice you are feeling stuck and want support creating a supportive mindset for growth, reach out to me here. OR maybe you notice you want more clarity, ease and accountability to grow, message me here. We can set up a call to explore how you want to grow this season with intention.