Healthy for the Holidays Interview with Lady Boss Adrienne Kimberley

Check out this very grounded interview with entrepreneur, fitness and wellness guru, Adrienne Kimberley. My Wade a Minute takeaway from our conversation was how we get to practice staying healthy and centered for the holidays by focusing more of our energy on being rather than doing. Adrienne highlights how as women during the holidays we can typically get caught up in the doing: the organizing, the gathering, the cooking etc, and that it is also important to create space to just be and breathe. I couldn't agree more. Check out the rest of the interview, and you will feel so calm and so chill as you head into the holiday season.  

Adrienne Kimberley is one of Seattle's most sought-out instructors. She is the founder of Bohemian Studios Phinney Ridge and West Seattle, she is the creator of and trainer for the Barre Bohemian method, and she designs and leads The Craft of Teaching Yoga RYT programs. Adrienne also co-founded the Down Dog App, which has over 200,000 users and receives around 2,000 new downloads every day.

Connect more with Adrienne
Instagram: @adrienne_kimberley_yoga
Instagram: @bohemianstudios