Waiting is Not Wasting Mantra

A phrase I keep repeating in my mind of late is: “Waiting is not wasting.” Spending a few weeks in Latin America is a physical reminder of a slower pace. At the same time, I feel my American “I want it, and I want it now” sense of entitlement and immediacy pulse through my veins, yet the impatience melts at the confluence of Latin American slow-loving rhythm.

Patience is part of my ‘Power Intention’ for 2023, and I am already learning so much just one month into the new year. 

One example: Sitting at a cafe near the beach in Santa Marta, Colombia, my husband and I ‘hangerly’ waited a long time for our lunch to arrive. A very long time. I could feel my body tighten and fidgety energy in my eyes, fingers and feet. Impatience was brewing, but luckily, I had my patience practice to lean into. 

I asked myself to soften and open up to the present moment. Where was I rushing off to? I wanted to be able to enjoy the moment even if I was frustrated and hangry that our food was taking longer than it ‘should'. I wanted to be in the present and accept the practice of waiting instead of resisting.

My mind gets caught in “waiting” for bigger life moments to occur all of the time, whether it is a career milestone, an exciting life update, a planned trip or even lunch. When my mind gets hooked on the future, I get disconnected from the present and lose sight of some of the wonder that comes from waiting in the moment.

Opening up to the present helps me connect to the essence of ‘enough.’ I get to trust there is enough time. I get to trust this moment has enough life that it’s worth paying attention to the moment instead of idealizing how it could or should be. Life is full of neutral moments. Learning to be with and even appreciate neutral moments is where my mindfulness practice is supporting me.

Where in your life can you apply the mantra of “waiting is not wasting”? Maybe it’s while you search for your next career move? Maybe it’s while you navigate a romantic relationship? Maybe it’s a helpful reminder as you transition into your meditation practice? Or even while you wait in the grocery checkout line (see podcast meditation episode for support).

Share your thoughts with me below or send me a note here.